Category: Design

  • Interaction of color

    Interaction of color

    In this post I’d like to present an exploration of the Color panel and Color picker and a proposal for their improvement. This work is based on the designs of the Inspector Sidebar that fellow WordPress contributor Shaun Andrews is currently carrying out. If you haven’t done this yet, I encourage you to read these…

  • Background editor

    In this issue Matias proposes to expand the capabilities of the Cover block (and other blocks that use background images) “to empower users to achieve more varied visual effects easily”. In this post, I’ll be exploring how to implement the suggested functionalities from the original issue (repositioning, resizing, and setting a background color), plus also…

  • Table block

    I’m opening this issue to propose several improvements and enhancements to this block and also to track existing Table block issues (you can find them at the end of this post). This post is quite long, but I’d like to present the whole picture here and create the necessary new issues later so that the…

  • Save flow

    Here’s an early exploration to improve some aspects of the save flow. In the video above, I show some improvements in the highlight of items, and also present more granular options to independently save and discard the state of the individual items. Here’s the autosave ticket that I mentioned in the video. Also, here are…